Know your body!

Hi, I'm Dr. Saru Bala
Your hormones and your health shouldn't be a mystery to you
Having been to my share of doctors and appointments from a young age due to severe gut issues, period pain, and heavy bleeding, I knew there had to be more to healthcare than a 5 minute impersonal visit where I left with more unanswered questions than I came in with.
My goal is to see a society where health is valued, and every woman knows exactly how to take care of her body and her hormones.
My job isn’t to tell you what to do - it's to guide you through your health journey. I’m here to empower you, educate you, support you, and work with you throughout this entire process.
It's time to get back to feeling like yourself

Work Together 1:1
Get a plan of action that's tailored to YOU and your needs, lab testing, and 1:1 visits, messaging, and weekly calls and support to make sure you're getting the results you need!

The Period Solutions Academy
Get a customized plan for you, the step-by-step blueprint you need for better hormonal health, ALONG with a community, bi-monthly coaching calls and a curriculum that gives you ALL the information you need about your hormones & period health.

Free Resources
Get access to our lab testing handouts, cortisol management guide, AND our most popular download: The Period Pain Management Guide.

Real Women, Real Results
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