Welcome to the Period Solutions Academy

Welcome to the 

Period Solutions Academy

Your step-by-step guide to go from dreading at least one full week every single month to consistent pain-free and PMS-free periods.

Take control of your hormones and enjoy a lifetime of freedom from the confines of your current unhealthy menstrual cycle.



Ask yourself these questions:

Are you ready to stop having anxiety about what might happen this month with your period, having another embarrassing leak or crippling cramps, and take back control of your periods?

Want to get rid of your bloating? Mood swings? Headaches? …and stop worrying about being a burden to your family or being unpleasant to be around?

Want to get better sleep without having to take a Tylenol PM and finally wake up feeling energized and happy in your body?

Are you tired of canceling plans or missing out on important events for your friends and family because you’re under the mercy of your bed and heating pad every month?


Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you ready to stop having anxiety about what might happen this month with your period, having another embarrassing leak or crippling cramps, and take back control of your periods?  
  • Want to get rid of your bloating? Mood swings? Headaches? …and stop worrying about being a burden to your family or being unpleasant to be around?  
  • Want to get better sleep without having to take a Tylenol PM and finally wake up feeling energized and happy in your body?  
  • Are you tired of canceling plans or missing out on important events for your friends and family because you’re under the mercy of your bed and heating pad every month?



Picture This...

Getting hours or days back to spend with family and do things you love to do if you weren’t stuck in your bed, suffering through your period every month. 

Discovering a simple and easy-to-understand way to start getting results and transforming your health for a happier and pain-free period, even though you’ve “tried everything.”

 Getting one, clear-cut solution to your problems rather than Googling your symptoms or searching health blogs for hours only to discover conflicting and outdated advice.

 Feeling validated in your struggles rather than told “everything is fine” or being gaslit to believe that this is all “normal.” 

Getting a clear plan of action with science-based explanations handed to you all in one convenient location.

✓ Discovering a solution that can stand the test of time so you can close this chapter of painful and life-interrupting periods. 

✓ Having a highly-qualified professional in your corner who knows what you need to do, just taking your hand and showing you the way.

Sounds pretty wonderful, right?

There’s no reason to keep suffering. Women start seeing results within weeks–and so can you.

Join the Academy Now
I got you.


Hi, I’m Dr. Bala. 

I’m a licensed Naturopathic Doctor with a passion for (and extra training in) women’s health and naturopathic endocrinology.

In this academy, I’m going to help you uncover exactly what your body needs in order to experience pain-free periods without any PMS symptoms, and break down all the steps it will take to help you feel the best you’ve ever felt!

So if you want to learn how to get better periods, more energy, and feel like yourself again, you’re in the right place.

And the good news is.. 


I got you.


Hi, I’m Dr. Bala. 

I’m a licensed Naturopathic Doctor with a passion for (and extra training in) women’s health and naturopathic endocrinology.

In this academy, I’m going to help you uncover exactly what your body needs in order to experience pain-free periods without any PMS symptoms, and break down all the steps it will take to help you feel the best you’ve ever felt!

So if you want to learn how to get better periods, more energy, and feel like yourself again, you’re in the right place.

And the good news is.. 



I know you’ve probably been told that having easy and simple periods just isn’t in the cards for us women. Maybe you’ve been suffering so long, you can’t even imagine living differently. 

But I’m telling you, these are old-school lies keeping you from having easy, symptom free periods, and having more freedom in your life to do whatever you want without your health or your hormones holding you back. 

Everything in the program is easy to implement with any type of schedule- even if you’re balancing work life and family life alongside that fatigue. 

This program is no fluff, no extra work, just straight to the point tangible steps to have the best periods you can. 

You will learn how to understand what your body *actually* needs to heal so you can step off the roundabout of trying different diets, supplements, and fads that don’t work for YOU. 

I know you’ve probably been told that having easy and simple periods just isn’t in the cards for us women. Maybe you’ve been suffering so long, you can’t even imagine living differently. 

But I’m telling you, these are old-school lies keeping you from having easy, symptom free periods, and having more freedom in your life to do whatever you want without your health or your hormones holding you back. 

Everything in the program is easy to implement with any type of schedule- even if you’re balancing work life and family life alongside that fatigue. 

This program is no fluff, no extra work, just straight to the point tangible steps to have the best periods you can. 

You will learn how to understand what your body *actually* needs to heal so you can step off the roundabout of trying different diets, supplements, and fads that don’t work for YOU. 

Most women start to see improvements in their health and hormones within just a few weeks!

"I had 3 cycles in a row now with NO SYMPTOMS!!! I'm soooo excited! I can't remember the last time I had periods like this."



"I had 3 cycles in a row now with NO SYMPTOMS!!! I'm soooo excited! I can't remember the last time I had periods like this."


Take a Peak Inside


Is the Period Solutions Academy right for you?

This course is for you if... 

You have awful period symptoms that you’re looking to manage without hormonal birth control

You want tangible steps and guidance on what to eat, how to eat, and what to look for when addressing factors like gut health and nutrition

You need education in understanding your blood work and what your doctors have tested or what they might be missing

You want step-by-step instruction for results that last longer than a few months 

You want to feel good in your body and have a healthy reproductive system

You want to feel like yourself again without your hormones getting in the way of your moods, your libido, or your day! 

This course is not for you if...

You’re not looking to optimize your health, and you’re okay living with period cramps, mood swings, irritability, acne, headaches, breast tenderness, and other hormonal issues. Not everyone wants to work on their health, I get it. But I have a feeling you do. I have a feeling you’ve seen and heard other women having pain free, easy periods, and you want that life too! I have all the tools you’re going to need, right here, IF you’re open to learning a new way of health! 

You’re afraid to invest in yourself and your health. My clients have seen changes to their gut health, PMS symptoms, energy, moods, and so much more within just weeks of implementing these steps. You’ve had hormonal issues for months or even years! Think about how good you can feel just a few weeks from today! If you’re willing to make the investment, that can be you, too.

This course is
not for you if...


You’re not looking to optimize your health, and you’re okay living with period cramps, mood swings, irritability, acne, headaches, breast tenderness, and other hormonal issues. Not everyone wants to work on their health, I get it. But I have a feeling you do. I have a feeling you’ve seen and heard other women having pain free, easy periods, and you want that life too! I have all the tools you’re going to need, right here, IF you’re open to learning a new way of health! 

You’re afraid to invest in yourself and your health. My clients have seen changes to their gut health, PMS symptoms, energy, moods, and so much more within just weeks of implementing these steps. You’ve had hormonal issues for months or even years! Think about how good you can feel just a few weeks from today! If you’re willing to make the investment, that can be you, too.

What People are Saying...
What People are


Here's what you'll learn in this course:

Module 1:

Hormonal Introduction

Module 2:

Lab Testing and Evaluation

Module 3:

Liver Health & Metabolism

Module 4:

Gut Health & Nutrition

Module 5:

Stress & Cortisol Regulation

Module 6:

Integrative Solutions for Gut Health

Module 7:

Case Reviews: How to Put It All Together

Module 8:

Bonus Integrative Tools for Pain + PMS


Hormone Checklists + Handouts

Live Q&A

Live support with Dr. Bala for A YEAR!

Invest in your Health


$1297 for 12 months of access + LIVE calls AND 1:1 session with Dr. Bala!

Less than $4/day to fix your hormones!

Invest in your


$497 for six months of access + LIVE calls with Dr. Bala. Less than $3/day to fix your hormones!


  • Say goodbye to PMS symptoms and painful periods with easy-to-implement, actionable steps.

  • Learn how to have pain-free, PMS-free periods without sacrificing all your favorite foods and having a HUGE supplement list.

  • Get step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of bloating, gas, and any gut issues.

  • Access to printable handouts and resources to walk you through each step of the process.

  • Get all the tips and tools that I give my 1:1 clients on how to get a period without ANY acne, mood swings, or heavy bleeding.

  • Gain access to our online dispensary with discounted practitioner-grade, quality supplements.

  • Get weeks of your life back! No more staying in bed from a bad period. No more calling off from work.

  • 12 months of access to learn at your own pace! 

  • Access to the members only PSA Community page- ask questions, share stories, engage in our weekly challenges and find the support you need for your hormone journey.
  • BONUS: BI-MONTHLY LIVE Q&A calls with Dr. Bala to make sure you get all your questions answered and get the support you need in this journey!


Unlock Better Periods Now

Inside of The Period Solutions Academy you’ll be heard, seen, and trusted. 

You know your body and symptoms better than anyone, and if you’ve been frustrated by ineffective “solutions” in the past, or being told that it’s all “normal” even though you know it’s not - this is where you belong.

Pain-free and PMS-free periods are possible for you.

And the solutions are simpler and start working faster than you might have assumed.

If you’re ready to take control of your health, I’m ready to show you the way.

See you inside!

-Dr. Bala

Sign Up Today

Frequently Asked Questions:

The Period Solutions Academy-VIP


Less than $4/day to fix your hormones and have doctor-guided support!


1:1 strategy session with Dr. Bala! Create an individualized plan of action for YOUR body & needs.

Learn exactly what supplements are worth it, and which ones are a waste of your time & money

Get step-by-step instruction on how to KNOW what tools to implement for better gut health, so you're not guessing and feeling frustrated

Get all the exact blueprint for your morning and evening routines to regulate your cortisol & nervous system in only 3 weeks!

BI-MONTHLY LIVE Q&A calls with Dr. Bala! If you feel stuck, you'll see me. 2x/month to get answers.

Access to the community page so you feel supported, connected, and never miss a beat.

Save $128 when you pay upfront! 





The Period Solutions Academy-VIP


1:1 strategy session with Dr. Bala! Create an individualized plan of action together for YOUR body & needs (available after the payment plan ends)

Learn exactly what supplements are worth it, and which ones are a waste of your time & money

Get step-by-step instruction on how to KNOW what tools to implement for better gut health, so you're not guessing and feeling frustrated 

Get all the exact blueprint for your morning and evening routines to regulate your cortisol & nervous system in only 3 weeks!

BI-MONTHLY LIVE Q&A calls with Dr. Bala! Have all the support you need throughout your journey.

Access to the community page so you feel supported, connected, and never miss a beat.